Sunday, 19 November 2017

Fuss Free Gifting with Fragrance Direct

This is not a drill, I repeat this is not a drill. Christmas is only six weeks away and the panic is about to set in any day now! Lets face it if you could have a stress free way to ensure all of your loved ones received something they really want this year you would take it right? 
Enter Fragrance Direct!


Wednesday, 8 November 2017

The Baby Loaf - A cheat lunch you can both enjoy!

I have spoken before about how BLW terrifies me, although even with STILL not one tooth I will admit Lylie is getting much more confident eating on her own. Now the main task when it comes to feeding the baby is what to give her. Everywhere will tell you that variety is key to raising a child who is not a fussy eater so I am always on the look out for new baby friendly meal idea's. If you are in the same position you might want to try baking a baby loaf and saving yourself some valuable time while doing it!

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