Sunday, 31 January 2016

The House of RUSH Bloggers Event

On Thursday evening myself and some other lovely blogging friends headed into the heart of Piccadilly to attend The house of Rush blogger event. 

Upon entering The House of Rush you can immediately tell this is a salon with a difference, there is a large retail area at the front with a huge assortment of Redken products. Redken is owned by L'Oreal and is totally a luxury brand, you will not be picking up these products in Asda. The quality of the products speak for themselves, but more on this another time. 

The beautiful Nicola Ellul, who is the head of marketing for Rush Hair and Beauty explained the concept of the innovative Masterclasses to us. Focussing on straight off the the catwalk styles Rush are now offering 45 minute styling masterclasses. This reminded me of the saying 'give a man a fish he will eat for a day, teach him how to fish he will never go hungry' (or something like that) Your stylist will work WITH you to create a beautiful hair look, and teach you how you can create this style time and time again. The cost to book is £15 and you are able to spend the balance at the end of your class towards a product of your choice. 

We had to decide between 'Done' and 'Undone' I obviously went for undone as generally am not someone who is pulled together. It was suggested that I use knots instead of braids to pull my hair back off of my face which is a completely new idea to me. I am going to admit my side looked a bit like my six year old cousin had had ago, but practise apparently makes perfect so I will be trying this out at home. 

Everyone we met made us feel completely at relaxed and home, honestly we didn't want to leave. (and we was the last there haha)

If you want to spend some time with some fantastic stylists and learn a new skill I would definitely recommend booking a Style Master Class. I am already thinking about when I will be able to grab a group of girlies for a pampering session to unwind at the bar in Rush and learn some new tricks before heading out for a night on the town. 

What could be more perfect? 



  1. Omgosh, cuute! I adore my local RUSH salon in Bristol, I have the best hairdresser ever!

    T xxx

    1. They are soon going to be opening a new one nearer to me, I can't wait to become a regular :) X

  2. This event sounds great and it's amazing that they actually show you how to do a certain hairstyle! I am pretty unadventurous when it comes to my hair but this post has really inspired me to change that. x

    1. I am the same, but they really got you involved and made you have a go which was great! Also the people were super lovely and made it all so relaxed just like having fun with friends! I had a ball X

  3. Great post Gemma! Lovely pictures too, you looked gorgeous!:)
    Was such a lovely evening, was lovely to meet you! xx

    1. Thanks sweetie, you are too kind!! Had so much fun with you can't wait for our next meet up!! Mwah X

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Is that a tattoo I see on your left arm ;) looks like you guys had a great evening! Sounds like so much fun and the team sound great too and really helpful!

    Love Hannah xx

    1. It could potentially be one, I have seven floating about haha!! It was honestly so much fun - really looking forward to attending more events now! X

  5. It looks like a great event - I love the decor xx

    Gemma ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

    1. Yes the decor was so clean and stylish, completely perfect with the services they are offering! X

  6. It sounds like you've had a lot of fun! Those little bottles with tags with messages on are so cute! I also really want to have a cupcake now...
    Aleeha xXx

    1. Yes I had the best time, I didn't even eat a cupcake myself regretted it as soon as I got on the tube :( XX

  7. Great event!! ♥♥

  8. You look so good here!

  9. This looks like such an amazing experience, you look stunning lovely! xo

    1. Thanks lovely, it was so much fun!! And everyone was so lovely! X


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